Carson Graham Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Grade 7-8 Transition Activities

Welcome to Carson Graham Secondary

Dear Grade 8's of 2022-2023

We are very excited about your upcoming transition into secondary school at Carson Graham!  We are confident that you will settle in nicely and soon forget any worries that you may have in making this milestone move into Grade 8.  Just so that you are aware, it is normal to feel a little worried when making the move to high school, everyone has those first day jitters.  We want you to know that you are well supported at Carson, you have a team of counsellors, teachers educational assistants and administrators here to support you every step of the way.  Your Grade 8 Counsellor next year will be Ms. Kat Robb, but please know that the rest of the counselling team is here to assist as well in any way that we can.  Simply ask!

Grade 8s will be asked to come to Carson's Large gym in September for an introductory assembly.  We will go over some important information that will help you be sucesful at Carson.  School photos will be taken afterwards, and you will also be receiving you course schedule and Carson Graham t-shirt.  We are looking forward to seeing you there. 

Please see below for some helpful information and tutorials that will give you a head start on learning how to find your way around Carson.

Transition Activities

1.      School Tour

Carson Graham Virtual Tour – Visit our Vimeo Chanel to take your own virtual tour! Link to School Tour Videos

2.      Gr. 8 Student Schedule

On the very first day of school in September you will receive your student schedule that lists all of your classes, teachers and classroom numbers.  Aside from seeing your friends, this is the second best part of your first day.  Below is a link to a typical Grade 8 Student Schedule as well as a link to our Carson Graham Timetable and also to a blank timetable.  We will be going over how to read these at our assembly on Tuesday, but take a look so you are familiar with both.

Grade 8 Student Schedule Link (sample): Sample Gr. 8 schedule 2021-2022.pdf


Carson Graham Timetable Link: CGS - 2020-2021 timetable V2.pdf

3.     How to Open a Combination Lock

After receiving you student schedule you will also be assigned your very own locker, on each locker is a combination lock.  At first it can be a bit tricky but after a few attempts you will get the hang of it in no time.  In order to give you a head start we have attached some simple step by step instructions as well as an instructional video.  Remember, practice makes perfect, spend 10-15 minutes on your first day and you will get this in no time.  Lastly, remember to keep your combination code (3 digit number) private, don't share it with friends as this is your place to keep your belongings safe.  If you happen to forget your combination code the ladies in the front office can gladly help you.

Combination Lock Tutorial Video Link:


4 Easy Steps to Opening a Combination Lock document link: 4 Easy Steps to Opening a Combination Lock.pdf


4.      Learn from the Pro's!

Below is a helpful document prepared by a team of our current Grade 8's, have a look and get a head start on some need to know info!


Tips from current Carson Grade 8 Students Link: Tips from current Grade 8 Students.pdf


5.      Carson Graham Website

Below is the link to the Carson Graham Website and some helpful links to help you get more familiar with our school.  Remember the best way to meet new friends who enjoy the same things that you do is to join the extra curricular programs.  Our experience is that the more students get involved at Carson, the happier they are and the better they do academically.


Carson Graham Secondary Website:






IB Middle Years Program (MYP):